Claudia Wieser: Early works
Solo Show

Grzegorzki Shows
Mar 23th – May 5th, 2024

Prinzenallee 78-79, 13357 Berlin
Mi-Fr: 14-18 hrs

“Gregor Hildebrandt stumbled over Claudia Wieser’s early works two weeks ago through a nostalgic post by Wieser on instagram and suggested to her spontaneously to work on a solo exhibition: the painter’s eighty-year-old-mother climbed into the attic and sent the paintings by express courier to Berlin where we are now viewing them. Although Claudia Wieser also began to move away from the canvas and into space after her studies, everything is already there in these works from her student days: There are objects, the spaces, the surfaces, the colors, the ornament, the deconstruction, the fragmentation. In addition: the suggestion of sculpture, the transfer of the three-dimensional into the two dimensional, the material into the structure.

If we look at them now, more than twenty years later, Wieser’s development already appears to be laid out in them. Everything is a reference, everything is evidence, everything fits into the narrative, spans the arc, narrates de aesthetic development”.

Extract from the text by Hilka Dirks