WALDO BALARTimages curriculum
Born in 1931 in Cuba
Living and working in Madrid
- 1954 Graduated as Certified Public Accountant from Havana University, Cuba
- 1955-1957 Post-Graduate Studies in Political and Economic Sciences, Santo Tomás de Villanueva University, Havana, Cuba
- 1959-1962 Art Studies at the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), New York, USA
Solo Exhibitions
- Less For More, Casado Santapau Gallery , Madrid, Spain
- Paysage Géométrique, Bendana Pinel Gallery (Paris) in collaboration with Casado Santapau Gallery (Madrid).
- Ritmos y campos de sentido, Museo Francisco Sobrino, Guadalajara, Spain
- Roy Gallery, Felanitx/Mallorca, Spain
- Nudos Génesis, Casado Santapau Gallery, Madrid, Spain
- Museo del Greco, Toledo, Spain
- Roy Gallery, Felanitx/Mallorca, Spain
- Miami Biennale, Henrique Faria Fine Art, Florida, USA
- Galerie 100 Kubik, Köln, Germany
- Guillermo de Osma Gallery, Madrid, Spain
- Ideobox, Miami, USA
- Henrique Faria fine Art, New York
- Espacio B, Madrid, Spain
- Mies van der Rohe Haus, Berlin, Germany
- Sianoja, Sala de exposiciones “José Hierro”, Noja, Santander, Spain
- 10st Literary Studies: new ways for literature and art. Patio de la Alhóndiga, Villanueva de los Infantes, Ciudad Real, Spain
- Edurne Gallery, Madrid, Spain
- Galerie für Konkrete Kunst, Berlin/Potsdam
- Museo Casa de los Tiros, Granada, Spain
- Casa de Cultura, Torrelodones, Madrid, Spain
- Sculpture of Light, Casa de Galicia, Madrid, Spain
- Luz, Orden, Intuición, Trazos Tres Gallery, Santander, Spain
- SYSTEEM & INTUÏTIE,Mondriaanhuis, Amersfoort, Netherlands
- Florida International University, Miami, USA
- LA BOHEME Art Gallery, Coral Gables, USA
- Sistematizaciones, Acanto Gallery, Almería, Spain
- Imagen Ortogonal Fragmentada/Integrada, 90º, IOFI, Edurne Gallery, Madrid, Spain
- Galeriehaus e.V.,Installation, Nürenberg, Germany
- Black Painting, Edurne Gallery, Madrid, Spain
- The Embassy Gallery, Coral Gables, USA
- T Leerhuys Gallery, Installation, Bruges, Belgium
- Quadri-Ben Durant Gallery, Brussels, Belgium
- Edurne Gallery, Installation, Madrid, Spain
- Eugenia Cucalón Gallery, Installation, New York, NY, USA
- Cyan Gallery, Liege, Belgium
- Nuba Gallery, Madrid, Spain
- Edurne Gallery, Installation, Madrid, Spain
- Heads & Legs Space, Liege, Belgium
- Graff & Schelbe Gallery, Basel, Switzerland
- L’Idée Gallery, Zoetermeer, Netherlands
- Mona Gallery, Denia, Spain
- Edurne Gallery, Madrid, Spain
- Kandinsky Gallery, Madrid, Spain
- CRAC Gallery, Aranjuez, Spain
- Microteam Inauguration, Madrid, Spain
- María Luisa Gallery, Calpe, Spain
- Kandinsky Gallery, Madrid, Spain
- Caja de Ahorros Provincial de Zamora, Zamora, Spain
- Galería Arte-Sanos, Asunción, Paraguay
- Galería SEN, Madrid, Spain
- Club Internacional de Prensa, Madrid, Spain
- Casa de Cultura, Cuenca. Spain
- Museo Español de Arte Contemporaneo, Installation, Madrid, Spain
- Graham Gallery, New York, USA
- Benson Gallery, Bridgehampton, USA
- Graham Gallery, New York, USA
- SOHO First Festival, Installation, New York, USA
- SD Gallery, Guatemala, Guatemala
- Cisneros Gallery, New York, USA
- Benson Gallery, Bridgehampton, USA
- Studio Gallery, Washington D. C., USA
- Iris Clert Gallery, Paris, France
- East Hampton Gallery, New York, USA
- Studio Gallery, Washington, D.C., USA
- Cisneros Gallery, New York, USA
Group Exhibitions (last 20 years)
- Lo tienes que ver. La autonomía del color en el arte abstracto, Fundación Juan March, Madrid.
- KALEIDOSCOPES, Galleria Continua, Les Moulins, Paris, France; In collaboration with Galería Casado Santapau.
- TRANSIT: Materia, espacio, color y tiempo at Palacio Los Serrano, Fundación Ávila, Spain.
- Cromático, Art Center Dados Negros, Villanueva de los Infantes
- This must be the Place: Latin American Artists in New York, 1965-1975, Americas Society, NY USA
- ARCO 2021, Casado Santapau gallery, Madrid, Spain
- Forum für Konkrete Kunst, Jena, Germany
- Kunstraum Roy, Kunnersdorf, Germany
- ARCO 2019, Guillermo de Osma Gallery, Madrid, Spain
- ARCO 2019, Casado Santapau Gallery, Madrid, Spain
- Die farben der geometrie, 100 Kubik Galerie, Köln, Germany
- FRIEZE New York, Casado Santapau gallery, New York, USA
- ART COLOGNE, Galerie 100 kubik, Cologne, Germany
- Art Düsseldorf, Casado Santapau Gallery, Düsseldorf, Germany
- ARCO 2018, Guillermo de Osma Gallery, Madrid, Spain
- ARCO 2018, Casado y Santapau Gallery, Madrid, Spain
- ARCO 2018, Henrique Faria Fine Art, New York, USA
- Radical, Quadri Gallery, Brussels, Belgium
- ARCO 2017, Guillermo de Osma Gallery, Madrid, Spain
- ARCO 2017, Casado y Santapau Gallery, Madrid, Spain
- ARCO 2017, Henrique Faria Fine Art, Madrid, Spain
- Conciencia Colectiva, Museo de Teruel, Teruel, Spain
- Papers I Collages, Lonja de Sant Jordi, Alcoi, Spain
- Cuban Abstraction, Art Nouveau, Miami, USA
- Karl Braun Gallery, Stuttgart, Germany
- Cintas Foundation, Miami, USA
- PAMM, Pérez Art Museum Miami, USA
- Circulo Cultural Español, Miami, USA
- Nouveau Cologne Fine Art Fair, Galerie 100 kubik, Köln, Germany
- Karlsruhe Art Fair, Wein, Austria- 100 Kubik Gallery – Cologne- Germany
- ARCO 2016, Galeria Henrique Farias, Madrid, Spain
- ARCO 2016, Galería Guillermo de Osma, Madrid, Spain
- ArtMadrid’16 – Galerie 100Kubik, Cologne, Germany
- Interacción, Centro de Holografía y Arte Dados Negros, Villanueva de los Infantes, Ciudad Real, Spain
- Vanidades, Intelecto, Espiritualidad – Centro del Carmen, Valencia, Spain
- Hipocamps – Alicante University, Alicante, Spain
- Poème de l’Angle Droit, Casado and Santapau Gallery, Madrid, Spain
- Imagining Spaces: constructions in color and text, Henrique Faria Gallery, New York, USA
- Berlin Art Fair, Galerie 100 Kubik, Cologne, Germany
- Klaus Baun Gallery, Stuttgart, Germany
- ARCO 2015 Galería Guillermo de Osma, Madrid, Spain
- ESTAMPA, Galería José de la Mano, Madrid, Spain
- 60 años de geometría, Sala El Club, Museo de la Universidad de Alicante, Alicante, Spain
- Art Basel Miami Beach, Guillermo de Osma Gallery, Miami, USA
- Hommage an Eine Grüdergeneration, Akademiegalerie im Weisbachschen Haus, Plauen, Germany
- ARCO 2014, Henrique Faria Fine Art, Madrid, Spain
- Diálogos geométricos, Edurne Gallery, Madrid, Spain
- Neon, Vom Leuchten der Kunst, Stadtgalerie Saarbrücken, Saarbrücken, Germany
- Neon-Vom Leuchten der Kunst, Museum für Konkret Kunst, Ingolstadt, Germany
- Espacio e Identidad, Fuencaral 77, Madrid, Spain
- Pinta London, Henrique Faria Gallery,
- The Grauwinkel Collection Berlin, Vasarely Museum, Budapest, Hungary
- PARC, Peru Arte Contemporáneo, Henrique Faria Fine Art
- The Armory Show, Henrique Faria Fine Art, New York, USA
- Abel Martin, Serígrafo, Museo Salvador Victoria, Rubielos de Mora, Teruel, Spain
- Pinta – Henrique Faria Fine Art – Stand B-02, New York
- Art Basel Miami Beach, Henrique Faria Fine Art
- The Armory Show, Henrique Faria Fine Art, New York, USA
- Art Karlsrube, Galerie Lindner & Roy, Viena, Austria
- “Zur Magie des Quadrates”, Galerie Edition Roy, Berlin, Germany
- “Accrochasge”, Galerie Edition Roy, Berlin, Germany
- 30 Pintores de una Generación Irrepetible, Museo Salvador Victoria, Rubielos de Mora, Spain
- Botero Studio, Palm Beach, USA
- Institute für Neue Technische Form, Darmstadt, Germany
- Ornament-Seriality, Museum Vasarely/Museum Fine Arts, Budapest, Hungary
- Constructivismo y otras actitudes de la racionalidad, Orfila Gallery, Madrid, Spain
- De líneas, formas, medidas, color y materia, Edurne Gallery, El Escorial, Madrid, Spain
- Art Karlsrube 2011, Galerie Lindner & Roy, Viena, Austria
- Galerie Edition Roy, Berlin, Germany
- Art Karlsrube 2010, Galerie Lindner & Roy, Viena, Austria
- Then & Now, Abstraction in Latin American Art from 1950 to Present, Deutsche Bank AG, New York, USA
- Galerie Edition Roy, Berlin, Germany
- Re-connaitre, Paksi Képtar, Museum Paks, Hungary
- Hommage an eine gründergeneration Bauhaus 2009, Forum Konkrete Kunst, Erfurt, Germany
- Ein Jahr 31 Positionen 30 Raum, Museum Modern Art, Hünfeld, Germany
- Ausgerechnet… Mathematik und Konkrete Kunst, Museum im Kulturspeicher, Würsburg, Germany
- Constructivo, Concreto, Reductivo, Inteligible, Centro Cultural Isabel de Farnesio, Aranjuez, Spain
- Zawzig/25 ein Ausblick, Galerie Klaus Braun, Stuttgart, Germany
- 100 Tage im Amt., Markt Rosstal, Rosstal, Germany
- Geometric, Why not? Art and Culture Center of Hollywood, Hollywood, USA
- Forum Konkrete Kunst Erfurt, Townhall Gallery, Mainz, Germany
- Latin Collector Gallery: Abstraction: Presence of Cuban Painters in New York (1950s-70), USA
- Valdepeñas Art International Exhibition, Valdepeñas, Spain
- Encuentro de Artistas, Espacio-Arte “El Dorado”, Quintanar de la Orden, Toledo, Spain
- Identidades, Edurne Gallery, Madrid
- Art Basel, Atelier-Editions Fanal, Basel, Switzerland
- Europa, Konkret, Reduktive, Museum of Architecture, Wroclaw, Poland
- Salida de Emergencia, Cuban Art in Exile, Cadiz, Spain
- L’Arte Costruisce l’Europe: Arte Struktura, Milano, Italy
- “Europa, Konkret, Reduktiv”, Museum Modern Art, Hünfeld, Germany
- “3rd Exposición de Donaciones de Obra Gráfica a la Biblioteca Nacional
- Museum of Modern Art, MoMA, New York, USA
- The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, USA
- Pérez Art Museum Miami, PAAM, Miami, USA
- Chrysler Museum of Art, Virginia, USA
- Sammlung Peter C. Ruppert, Konkrete Kunst in Europa nach 1945
- Sammlung Grauwinkel Berlin
- Görlitzer Sammlungen, Kulturhistorisches Museum Görlitz, Germany
- Museum of Modern Art, Hünfeld, Germany
- kfW Bankengruppe, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
- Mondriaanhuis, Amersfoort, Netherlands
- Museum de la Communauté francaise de Belgique, Bruxelles, Belgium
- Museo Paraguayo de Arte Contemporáneo, Asunción, Paraguay
- Museo Nacional y Centro de Artes Reina Sofía, Madrid, España
- Museo Postal y Telegráfico, Madrid, España
- Sammlung Simpfendörfer, Wiesbaden
- MACBA, Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Museo Helga de Alvear, Cáceres, Spain
- The Practice of Concrete Art, The european Society’s Path towards Knowledge, 2011, ADvana Vieja, Spain
- Ensayos Sobre Arte, 1993, Betania, Spain